Straightforward and timeless, an Old Fashioned cocktail never goes out of style. A simple combination of Maker's Mark® Bourbon, bitters, sugar and a splash...
This drink is a real treat on hot days! Its blend of fresh bananas, pineapple juice, coconut and rum is fantastic! The bananas in this recipe need to be...
I discovered this gloriously refreshing drink in Berlin on a tour of Eastern European cities. Brings back wonderful memories. Serve in a wine glass. Pretty...
Like the original, our julep features bourbon infused with mint. But this easy drink's signature sweetness is tempered by the tartness of blackberries,...
This grown-up version of a root beer float is fun enough to drink in a fancy frosted glass with a curly straw. I prefer International Delight® Cold Stone...
We went blackberry picking and came back home with way too much of those awesome fruit. That is when I thought I could used some to make a nice cocktail....
To create salted glasses for these watermelon margaritas, place 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice on a small plate, and 1/2 cup coarse salt on another. Dip...
This is the smoothest, tastiest martini I know. All my friends request this one when we get together. And it's easy to remember the ingredients and measurements,...
My best friend who just happens to be Irish made this drink for me one cold night in Chicago and since then, I have been hooked! Warning: it is very potent,...
This refreshing drink combines floral flavors from the Mediterranean, the sweetness of muddled cucumber, and a little bite from the Democratic Republic...
Inspired from the Italian Riviera, this drink transports you to the local piazza for the after-dinner aperitif. The blood orange, which is a native southern...
Prepare several batches of this sparkling summer cocktail (pictured, right) from Joe Campanale in advance and avoid having to mix drinks while guests are...
This take on a whiskey smash cocktail uses peach nectar instead of lemon, and elevates the flavors with ginger liqueur and mint. You don't have to be a...